Healing Desire

Love Spiritual Realm Von:
Healing Desire

Healing desire is a romance novel in ebook, which is filled with exciting and romantic scenes, mystery and adventure.

Tracy moaned restlessly on the sand as the water splashed speedily and  on the shore, where she have been laying most of the morning, the tides spcarelesslylashing in ebbs and flows on the soft sandy shore massage her back and thighs.  The sunbathing made her even tan body appears to be glowing as she lays there thinking of nothing but of the endlessness and vastness of the sea. Tracy was vacationing alone she requested room service daily and a guide.

A journey ends another begins for a mother and her children, as she become an independent success with her children and find love and romance. Surprises, intrigue, adventure, unscrupulous moments and sweet tenderness

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