Top 5 Scariest Stories In Japan

Stories I have heard from people and thought you might want to know... Von:
Top 5 Scariest Stories In Japan

I hoped you really like this...jsut a story or things that happened in real life, I had nightmares from these...there is a video. very scary 

horror, true, trust
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O.o Moar!!!!!!!! Moar horror!!!!!!!! now nae nae!!!!!!!!!

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pretty prease!!!!


Alright but I may not get to finsih it tho cuz i'm going to high school and I dont have anything to do it or simething like dat wait...nevermind I'll try

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In case some of you that didn't get the last story...Aris was talking to the Happy Fox that whole time, Mr. Fox and Sami were Happy Fox so it killed Aris if you still don't get it just ask me and I'll explain okay? okay...:)

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