Just a sliver... Von:
The story is a sliver of a novel. The chapter follows our narrator along a train ride while the woman next to him sends him into another world...

Train, Travel, Love, Sex, Romance
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

It seems intresting, but confusing for me. Not my type of book, but I like how you write, describing everything, thinking of everyting.

3 Kommentare
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Wichtiger Beitrag

Excellent,it started slow and easy it kept me there I counldn't look away, my
kind of story "Nice Work"!Keep writing
you're good
Thank You,
John Ginnett

P.S. keep them coming I'll keep reading

Wichtiger Beitrag

excellent,it lead me in and kept
me ,I couldn't let go till the doors slam shut"Great Story".
THUMP you kept me reading I could not look away
Thank You,
John Ginnetti

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