Solutions: The Dilemma of Hopelessness

Solutions: The Dilemma of Hopelessness

Solutions: The Dilemma of Hopelessness is the third story in a series of seven that explores one's relationship with self, others, and ultimately with our Lord God. The events in the story occur within the same time period as A Man's Dilemma.  Meet Timothy, more or less a test subject at the Solutions Center. Other than his ability to sense the eyes of those watching him he has proven to be a failure for those that wish to use him for their specific purposes. But one day Charles comes seeking Timothy. He too has a plan. Besides the flu pandemic that is threatening humanity's existence, an imminent threat from space to do the same is approaching. But a call to help from a specific point in the solar system is heard, and it is Timothy who is selected as the emissary to meet those that sent the message. What will become of Timothy after the ten year journey?

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