Always a Convict

Always a Convict



Hey, it’s good to be out!

And no matter what, Dave isn’t going back to prison. He has a wife and a little boy; it’s time to start being a man.

Things are looking good. He’ll be working at a ranch – good, hard work – he has a place to live, his favorite uncle looking after him, and the best wife and kid a man could have. Man, are Karen and little Terry worth keeping straight for!


There’s that guy in the wheelchair, that guy that won’t stop terrifying Terry.


This story comes with bonus short story. That would be “Flood Stage”. The river’s rising, and it’s time to make some money. At least, that’s what crossed the minds of two knuckleheads that have blocked the only bridge leading out of the flood zone. They now have themselves a toll bridge, and you better have money or valuables, unless you prefer to go floating down the river.

They never figured on the Colonel coming along. He’s not in the mood to pay tolls, and he’s especially not in the mood to see people get hurt.


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