Pumpkin Jack Skull and Other Tales of Terror

Pumpkin Jack Skull and Other Tales of Terror
A teenage boy discovers more on Halloween than he bargained for. A child realizes his mother is a powerful witch. A hero comes to understand the truth of what lies within him. Seven tales of terror fill the pages of this collection of short stories of the supernatural. Be prepared to have your spine chilled and your stomach churned. Not for the squeamish.

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Washington, DC

What I see in this picture is a girl from the army is painting the girl's
I see that the girl is from the army because of her uniform also I see that
girls behind the girl are waiting to the get there nails polish
Maybe the girl is going to war with the country they're in because the girl
from the army, behind her is a person who looks like he's from the army too.

Video: https://moxox.com
Music: ... mehr anzeigen

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I look at my first book uploaded here to BookRix and I shake my head. The only options I had available for ratings were G-rated and X-rated. Really? That's it? No PG13 or Mature? Nothing else?
Ok, to be fair, one story has a sex scene, but not too graphic, and another story has a torture scene that does get fairly graphic, but only because the perp being tortured really deserved what he got. I mean, he was a child molester,... mehr anzeigen

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