The King's Quest

Can King Rudolf Slay the Fabled Dragon? Von:
User: JennaB.56
The King's Quest
During the time of peace in Angeline, the fabled dragon arises so the King has to fight and slay the last dragon on earth. Will he succeed if the fable is true? Or is the wise old man Aragos speaking of tales that should be long forgotten?

Kings, dragons, peace
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I enjoyed the tale of the wise king, the wiser old man counsellor, and the nasty dragon. It contains all the elements of a good mythic adventure. I will use it to read to my grandchildren:)

Perhaps (here I go, lol) you might consider not using the year 2075. You didn't say the story takes place on Earth, but I saw it that way. Projecting forward to 2075 on Earth, I see a much different world than valleys inhabited by villages;... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

but I am at page 11, and think you have done a great job so far. I will finish reading this book in September... I hope.

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