Cold Mental World

Five Previously Released Stories Von:
Cold Mental World

Four stories and one novel by J.M. Barber

10 BLOCKS DOWN-He's an old assassin with dementia. But he has one more job and he's willing to go through a new kind of hell to get his target.

A COLD WORLD-In a world that kills babies to deal with overpopulation you do whatever you can to fight back. How cold can a person be?

THE HITCHHIKER RULE BOOK-What Happened to famous author Dennis Ridge? There's a reason they say never to pick up Hitchhikers.

MR. CLEANUP-He's black and hates black people. He's a man who has an ear to the street and knows the neighborhoods mysteries. Let the murder and evasion begin.

THE LOVE BOX-If you lose this love test you die

All works released previously as singles and have now be included in one collection for your enjoyment.

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