Four Minutes

Four Minutes
A serial killer had gone undetected for ten years, claiming nineteen victims in six states. His killing spree might have continued, except for a rather unusual four minutes...

A Short Story

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Well, 4 minutes is about the time my connection throttle demands to open that second window, and read your story online. I guess your works are worth the lil bit of waiting. And, if it helps: I guess the Stephen King works, in original American titles, I liked the most; 'Salem's Lot', 'Thinner' (paperback) & the Dreamcatcher movie adaptation...

3 Kommentare

"Be patient, Normie..." #lol

I know it sux, thanks due my own critics, but it does improve readability:

*Use commas to separate independent clauses, when they are joined by any of these seven coordinating conjunctions: and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet.

*Common starter words for... mehr anzeigen

J.C. Laird

LOL, you should read the full length novel (of the same name and available on Amazon), should you ever decide to become a customer.


Monetarily impaired, as this lil ex-bum has to continue life, I might need a while to play purchasing customer again... But thanks, good day to you as well!

Wichtiger Beitrag

An inquisitively, enticing intro! Can't wait to read it in it's entirety! I've read several of your books now, all quite entertaining! Hello again John! Wishing many blessings! :)

1 Kommentar
J.C. Laird

Hi, yourself! I'm glad you liked it. I'm hoping to have the short story blown up into a full length novel this year. Stay tuned....

Wichtiger Beitrag

I have had this book on my nook for quite awhile now and I finally got a chance to read it. I am thoroughly impressed with the descriptive language of this short and the way you really put the reader into, not only the killer, but the victim. I can't forget about the twist! I am such a short story fan and this one is superb. I will be sharing this link on Facebook and through word-of-mouth. Thank you for sharing this twisted... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar
J.C. Laird

Considering that you are one of the better writers around here, I really appreciate your opinions. As I mentioned in a comment below, I'm using "Four Minutes" as the basis for a full length novel. Of course, there will have to be a different ending now....

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

I don't have a download app available, so is it possible to switch the price to "For Free" instead of "$0.00"? I really want to read the entire book!

2 Kommentare
J.C. Laird

I don't think so. BookRix put it up, as is, for a promotion. But Amazon has a free app to download books to your computer...

Gelöschter User

OK, thanks.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Glynis Rankin

I'm speechless.
I have to give this story nothing but adjectives.
Frightening, gruesome, unnerving, loathing, unexpected, and finally brilliant!

Mr. Lard brought this story to a head with the skill of authors like Knootz and King.

2 Kommentare
J.C. Laird

Again, thank you Glynis. I had to go to the 'dark side' to dredge that one up. I guess I was a cop for too long.

Glynis Rankin

I'm sorry to say, it served you well in this story my friend. Wonderful

Wichtiger Beitrag

Not what I expected - it was even better! It was a little gruesome, but the ending made it worth while. Another great short story John!

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