

The shift is coming soon. Dr. David Carter knows it.


However, he is a geologist, so “soon” to him means anywhere from tomorrow to one thousand years from now.


People are dying. Doctors Jordan Abellard and Jillian Brookwood are standing at the edge of Super-AIDS. Or are they?


They will not be able to figure it out unless they can get an authorization signed, and soon. But they are peons, and no one is paying attention to them.


Whole species died at the last polar shift 65 million years ago. Right now, Dr. Becky Sorenson has some seriously mutated frogs in her lab.


In Los Angeles, bees are making abnormal columns on the side of the freeways.


In Georgia, birds are migrating out of season.


It all makes a sick kind of sense when the doctors consider that the last magnetic shift strangely coincides with the dinosaur die-out.


And the only similarity in the problems today, is that each is occurring in a “hot spot” a pocket of reverse polarity that tells them all that the shift has arrived.

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