An Arranged Marriage

no one is safe from failed parents Von:
An Arranged Marriage
i was in an arranged marrige to Damon Salvatori. i had no say so and now i was only to marry because of my parents. and what his family did to save my life. if it was up to me i would wonder how i was going to survive.

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ooooohhhhh update please!!!!

2 Kommentare

I will try to update, i have just been really busy with school.

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Plz write more

2 Kommentare

I will try to update, i have just been really busy with school.

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Good love to see where it's heading. funny how she loves him and they now met and on the bed plz update soon

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I will try to update, i have just been really busy with school.

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You rushed in to fast.Take it slow.It was rushed in to quickly they should wait a while.Too fast.

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