It's not going to change a thing

Part one - Circle of time Von:
It's not going to change a thing
Three students at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow have found a way to travel through time. One of the three - Neil Sutherland - wants to take his fiancée Andrea on a short trip 200 years back into Scotland's past. But things do not work out as he had planned and Neil is killed when they reach their destinatiuon. Now Andrea is left alone in a strange world which she knows only from her reading. The reality of life in the Highlands of Scotland of the 18th century is very hard. This "short trip" has become for her a journey of no return.
In her attempts to make ends meet in this hard and strange world Andrea becomes involved in one of the greatest mysteries of the Highlands of that time - a riddle which has still not been solved - who ,killed Colin Campbell of Glenure, the king's factor, in Appin?
Andrea's wanderings bring her into contact with one of the main suspects, Alan Breck Stewart. She tries to change the fate of all of those involved - only to discover that history cannot be altered. She becomes so deeply entangled in the story and begins an affair with Alan, fleeing with him to France. She knows that this romance is against all reason but she knows too that she has to survive in these hard times.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

It's a warm and wonderful tale well told. I read it with the greatest enjoyment. I do hope the next part of the story is available soon. It would be a real pleasure to read more. Thank you for sharing with us, Iris. By the way, the Gaelic brough was easily managed by myself since i have a history of living in Canada and studying languages when I was younger. I have friends from the highlands.

1 Kommentar
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Wichtiger Beitrag

Hi Mia,
you are my first english speaking reader...welcome!
The book is allready under translation...and it will need some time. Maybe next year it will be published as e- book... I hope so.
Thank you for your nice comment.

Iris Heerdegen

Wichtiger Beitrag
Mia Tchoukour

I was hoping for more. This is really a great story and one that fits the genre that I love. Somewhat sci-fi fantasy. I love time travel. I see that you are a German member and had this book translated. Have you ever though about selling this book on bookrix? You could do it with no problem. Your book was uploaded with the "file upload" but I think you would have to upload it again using the normal or advanced modes in order... mehr anzeigen

1 Kommentar

Hi Mia,
I have a question. There are dialogs in Glaswegian in the book, are they understandable for someone from the States? I put footnotes with the correct English dialogs beyond, but they need a lot of space. Shoud I go back to the English to make it easier? But it is the way... mehr anzeigen

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