The POW Gang Chapter One

The POW Gang Chapter One
This chapter is in the view of Embyr Macfarlan.

Embyr is on a search for adventure in her boring day to day life. She's sick of the city where everyone is trailing to work. She's even sick of her two guy friends, Liam and Cabott, whining about everything.

She discovers her love for insanity in a shopping cart ride, and meets a mysterious man named Martin. Martin influences her to investigate her past.

She pesters her mother, Vanessa, to tell her about her childhood. Rain is mentioned many times, and brought to Embyr's attention that Rain is what Martin may be talking about after all...

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "The POW Gang"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
The POW Gang Chapter One
The POW Gang Chapter Two
The POW Gang Chapter Three
the, POW, gang, schools, friends
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