A to Z India - Magazine: March 2023

A to Z India - Magazine: March 2023

FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK: 1025 A.D. CHOLA INVASION OF THE SRI VIJAYA EMPIRE - At the dawn of the eleventh century, inscriptions indicate that ties of friendship still existed between the two empires, but it was only to be expected that the Chola kings should resent, and eventually seek to break, the commercial monopoly claimed by the Maharajas of the Straits. Whatever the cause, in c. 1025 Rajendra I mounted a great raid against the Sri Vijaya empire; AMRITKAAL - THE FOUNDATION OF 'NEW INDIA', 'STRONG INDIA': WHY IS THE OPPOSITION TRYING TO TARNISH AMRITKAL? - Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government emphasizes on AmritKaal.

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Culture, Literature, Magazine, India
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