The Escape

User: indie23
The Escape
She got out of bed, and headed down the hall, toward the kitchen. Once there, she search the drawers for the largest and sharpest knife........

abuse, sad, anger, tortured, escape
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Juneau, Alaska

It's the mom of the family who plans the vacations and kids schedules more.
And yes, even in families where both parents work!
Even when I worked crazy hours at Goldman Sachs, I was still the one using my
spare time to research vacations etc. between the two of us.
My husband is a great dad - he would pick up and drop off at day care, get up
middle of the night, feed etc. But more specific dedicated tasks, not... mehr anzeigen

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Soxared, '04, '07, '13

Also, how many of the ""good"" values we live by, such as democracy,
pluralism, the rule of law, etc., have we successfully exported to other
countries, countries that we exploit, through the overwhelming use of military
force, for our own material comfort?


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I will work on the editing soon. Thank you for reading, and for your feedback. :)

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