Spirit In The Sky

User: indie23
Spirit In The Sky

He searched, and searched frantically for his mother. All alone he continued searching, but suddenly heard a bang. The next minute he found himself on the forest ground. The grass near him was slowly turning a crimson red. He felt pain that was like cold ice shooting through his little body. He tried calling........

loved, deer, spirit, forest, family
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I really love this book, not just because it´s so well written (I can´t judge your grammar and so on, but I think it's good) but because so many People think it's okay to kill animals and say they have no Feelings. Well, they should read this book and think about it. :(

4 Kommentare

Thank You. I know I still have to work on the grammar on this book. I have worked on my grammar, and it has improved since before I wrote this story. Thanks Again. :-)


I'm german so I don't know if your grammar is correct, but I think it is :)

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