The Destroyer

The Destroyer
Six kingdoms working on one purpose to find and kill the destroyer.
Two warriors set to bring the destroyer back to her father safely.
Lis is brought up as a normal though she stood out even in a mob with her glassy eyes. She never knew that she is known as the destroyer in another world and seven kingdoms were sending teams to find her. Unexpected she tumbles into the other world. what happens to her? Will they kill her? Why is she called the destroyer?

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

are you going to be writing more to this story please let me know

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Wichtiger Beitrag

I love reading your writing. You have such a fantastic imagination and these stories seem to flow from you with ease. I also know you are struggling with a second language but sometimes the mistakes you make give me such a laugh. Pg 25, you need a 't' to the word 'ear'. Otherwise he has an 'ear' rolling down his cheek! I had to read that one twice! I also loved the phrase, "jerk off her laziness". Outside of the spelling and... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

The font is much better. It makes a good story, in which you have, ./joeparente

Wichtiger Beitrag

You will need to write more so I can get an idea of your story. So far so good with some spelling issues. I would change the font to a more standardized form./joeparente

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