The Child's World Third Reader

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The Child's World        Third Reader

For permission to use copyrighted material the authors and publishers

express their indebtedness to _The Independent_ for "Who Loves the Trees

Best?" by Alice M. Douglas; to Oliver Herford and the Century Company

for "The Elf and the Dormouse"; to the American Folklore Society for

"How Brother Rabbit Fooled the Whale and the Elephant," by Alcee

Fortier; to the _Outlook_ for "Making the Best of It," by Frances M.

Fox, and "Winter Nights," by Mary F. Butts; to Harper Brothers for "The

Animals and the Mirror," from _Told by the Sand Man_; to Rand McNally &

Company for "Little Hope's Doll," from _Stories of the Pilgrims_, by

Margaret Pumphrey; to Daughady & Company for "Squeaky and the Scare

Box," from _Christmas Stories_, by Georgene Faulkner; to D.C.

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