Strategic Human Resource Management And Development- A Primer

( Student Edition) Von:
Strategic Human Resource Management And Development- A Primer

This edition of Strategic Human Resource Management and Development – A Primer, is an ‘Easy Read’ and ‘Easy to Understand’, perspicuous student edition.

The concept of Strategic Human Resource Management and Development swivels around the integration of strategies into HR and alleviating limitations in the pursuit of achieving concurrent organizational goals.

It is endeavored to keep the content as simple as possible; Brevity in expression does not in any way mean a dearth of available material or that the allied topics are insignificant. The purpose of brevity is solely to encapsulate the basic principles adumbrated in this book in a luculent manner.

This easy-to-understand edition is a recommended must-have for every student of Human Resource Management and Development. It serves as a 'digest' examination point of view.



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