First Edition 2015 ( Part 1 of Five Part Series) Von:

Welcome onboard the first edition of this ‘easy -to –understand’ introductory series   on human rights. This book is the first concise edition of the five part series on the subject. It is carefully crafted to bring it to the level of understanding of first time readers on the subject of human rights, the students of human rights, lay readers, lawyers, NGO’s especially when they need a quick run through on the relevant aspects of the subject, such as the meaning, concept, nature, origin and development of human rights, that may have to be imbibed within a prescribed period of time. Human right is an ever expanding subject with the development of the society and the advancement of the world at large , thereby  encompassing  newer forms of rights with wrapped-in duties on the part of the state, the government, the human rights organizations on one hand and  duties incumbent on individuals as responsible beings owing their allegiance to the society,  the society itself , and the world at large on the other .The subject being vast in itself there has been an endeavor to put forth the concept of human rights in the most perspicuous manner.

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