More Than a House

User: hborger
More Than a House
What makes a house a home?
Is it possible for a house to be more than just walls and furniture? What if there's an unexplainable feeling you get when you enter its doors? Here's the story of how my first house turned into a home I'll never forget.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

physical description I felt you were writing about my last home - the smallness but the welcoming atmosphere - but then I realized the house is not what makes it inviting... it's the echoes left behind.

Thank you for evoking my 'home' memories.

2 Kommentare
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Wichtiger Beitrag

Review - So many things have personalities, especially homes. You portray that very well in the warmth of the hug the house gave you. I think your first chapter is the story all unto itself. Good job. Robynn

Wichtiger Beitrag

It's fun to read another person's work and feel how they view the world. Every time it reminds me of how similar people are deep inside, regardless of what's on the surface.

Each of us needs a home. This is a beautiful account of someone and their family's first

Wichtiger Beitrag

I think that a house picks the people they want to live in. it happend to me too. I would have liked to here more of the feelings on the house and did your mother inlaw feel the warmth of it. all and all a touching book


Wichtiger Beitrag

filled with many great descriptions. I like that in a book.

I like the part about how the house "hugged" you as soon as you walked into it... and how you wanted to hug it back and never let go. It shows how much you love your house.

All in all, a great book... I love it!! Great job on this Heather.

Love ya.

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