Stingray Spring Break

Family story of a crazy vacation together Von:
Stingray Spring Break
A crazy adventure of a Minnesota family on vacation in Bahamas for Spring Break!

Beiträge und Kommentare
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i enjoyed reading this story. it seemed real. it seemed like a story you would read in a magazine, almost like reporting, but in a good way.
-- it made me feel warm, too. i'm from canada, so i know how you feel about the cold!
-- i will surely give this story my vote in the contest. :)

1 Kommentar

I appreciate your vote, and funny you should say that for it is a true story in fact. Glad to meet another brave soul, the cold only improves character I find, thanks a lot for checking out my writing, I will surely check yours out as well.

Heather rose

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The story was interesting but your sentence construction made it difficult to read and make sense of the story. I think the problem might be grammatical structure. You are trying to put too many ideas into each sentence when it might be better to give a sentence to each idea and thought and perhaps scene change. It felt a little disjointed in its depiction of your experiences with your family. With a re-write I think this... mehr anzeigen

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Thank you for participating in our short
story writing contest "Family Stories".

The Librarian

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