Concrete Construction (Fiscle Part 13) Methods And Costs Of 1
Von: Halbert P. Gillette Charles S. Hill
For Text: A Word Surrounded By A Cedilla Such As ~This~ Signifies That
The Word Is Bolded In The Text. A Word Surrounded By Underscores Like
_This_ Signifies The Word Is Italics In The Text. The Italic And Bold
Markup For Single Italized Letters (Such As Variables In Equations) And
"Foreign" Abbreviations Are Deleted For Easier Reading.
The Word Is Bolded In The Text. A Word Surrounded By Underscores Like
_This_ Signifies The Word Is Italics In The Text. The Italic And Bold
Markup For Single Italized Letters (Such As Variables In Equations) And
"Foreign" Abbreviations Are Deleted For Easier Reading.
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