King Solomon's Mines

User: shah
King Solomon's Mines
Henry Rider Haggard was born in West Bradenham Hall, Norfolk, the eight son of William Haggard, a barrister and a country squire, and Ella (Doventon) Haggard, an amateur writer. In his childhood, the young Henry Rider was seen as the family dunce by his father. Haggard was not sent to a good public school like his brothers, but he was educated at a London day-school, although privately, and Ipswich Grammar School. At eighteen he fell in love with Mary Elizabeth "Lilly" Jackson. She married a few years later Frank Archer, a banker who was caught in an embezzlement and deserted her.
After failing the army entrance, Haggard went in 1875 to Natal as a secretary to Sir Henry Bulwer, Governor of Natal colony. In he joined the staff of the special commissioner. Next year he became Master and Registrar of the High Court in the Transvaal. For the rest of his life Haggard viewed with understanding the British colonial policy, sharing in this the attitudes of his friend Rudyard Kipling. On the other hand, he also traveled widely and saw the dangers of European intrusion. Thus in the end of King Solomon's Mines Haggard left the lost land of the Kukuanas to continue its own separate development.

During his years in Africa, Haggard got acquainted with the Zulu culture. Especially he admired the individual prowess of their warriors: "When death comes, he meets it without fear, and goes to the spirits of his fathers boldly, as a warrior should." Although Haggard himself had been brought up to believe in the superiority of European culture and the Christian religion, he did not condemn the polygamic system of the Zulus, writing that "the Zulu women are much attached to the custom, nor would they as a general rule consent to marry a man who only proposed taking one wife." Haggard himself had an affair with a married woman, Johanna Catherine Ford (née Lehmkuhl); she gave birth to a child who died.
Psychoanalytic interpretations of Haggard's novels have paid much attention to his female characters. Among his devoted reader was Carl Jung, who used the novel She (1887) as an example of anima. According to Jung, the anima is an archetypical form, expressing the fact that a man has a minority of female genes. Haggard's Queen Ayesha is an unmistakable anima type – the ultimate guide and mediator to the inner world. The idea has also connections with the oservations of James Frazer in his classical study The Golden Bough. Also Haggard's idea of a journey into the "darkest Africa," which turns into a spiritual search, has been used my a number of writers, including Joseph Conrad in Heart of Darkness (1902).

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