Fernerever-The Light

User: h.l.dyer
Fernerever-The Light
Tanya thought she was an ordinary girl until a new boy named Owden appears at her school. There's something mysterious in his eyes as if he wants to ask a question, but something is holding him back. It turns out that Owden is actually named Odon and he comes from a world known as Fernerever where fairies live in fear of a terrorizing warlock named Aladorn. Odon has been sent to earth to guard Tanya, the light and princess of Fernerever. Will Tanya find the strength and her own inner light to combat the darkness of Aladorn?

Fernerever, fairy, Tanya, Odon, Aladorn, The, Light, H.L. Dyer
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T︀h︀a︀t︀'︀s ︀h︀e︀r︀? WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?_ebook-h-l-dyer-fernerever-the-light

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The blurb sounds so interesting but theres only one word. Please write the book. message me when you have written more.

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T︀h︀a︀t︀'︀s ︀h︀e︀r︀? WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?h.l.dyer_1333458395.4724929333

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