My Teacher, My Love Book 2

User: teeheeabc
My Teacher, My Love Book 2

Noah Johnson is the hottie of the school this year. Not in the new kid on the block kind of hot kid scenario, but the he's everybody's hot Literature teacher scenario. He's 10 years older than his oldest students, and all of the girls are throwing themselves at them except for Angel...Well in public that is. She's secretly coming apart inside from all of her fantasies of being with him. When she gets in trouble in Mr. Johnson's class and they end up having to spend a whole bunch of time together, she's not sure she can hold it in anymore and will take drastic measures to make sure he notices her, but what she doesn't know is that hMy e's always noticed her and he's had his fair share of fantasies...Will they both be strong or will they come apart at the seams together?

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "My Teacher, My Love"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
My Teacher, My Love Book 1
My Teacher, My Love Book 2
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