Myths of the Norsemen

Myths of the Norsemen
Myths of the Norsemen: From the Eddas and Sagas by H.A. Guerber. A collection of myths that tell of the creation of the world, the deeds of such gods and heroes as Odin, Thor and Siegfried, the machinations of the evil Loki, and more. Entertaining and readable, these tales present the ancient Germanic and Scandinavian myths that have helped shape literature.

H. A. Geuerber's The Myths of the Norsemen is a classic collection of stories retold from Norse mythology. Beginning with the Norse myth of creation and following through the sagas of more than twenty gods, heroes and villains, The Myths of the Norsemen recounts the rich mythological tradition of the Norse people. Of the more familiar characters in this collection one might immediately recognize the stories of Odin and Thor. These stories are brought together with less familiar Norse myths. Readers both young and old will delight in these classic tales of adventure and fantasy.

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