A Hunter's Tale

A Hunter's Tale
Every hero has his or her beginings. Whether they were sold into slavery or they were the children of the mighty gods, every hero has their start. I wouldn't go so far as to call myself a hero; I'd done my fair share of killing over the years for reasons good, bad, and of my own intentions. I just wanted to be alone, to live by myself in a place where no one could control me. Yeah right. I should be so lucky.

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i really enjoyed this story, would like to see it finished. i was totally drawn in and can't wait to read the rest when its finished

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I truly enjoy reading the story. Please do continue. It's too good to end like this.

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This was great. The diction, the introduction and the action really drew me in. some grammar checks here and there but overall very very good :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Review - The story content is good. You drew me in with the first few paragraphs with her attitude and my curiosity over who she was. Liked the inner mono-log. You have developed the back story well.

I would suggest, honestly, that you get someone to work with you on editing. I just came out of a 4 month edit on my first book. Editor pointed out plot problems, chapter problems and lack of flow. After I practically re-wrote the... mehr anzeigen

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brilliant!!!! did Vickys da like love her ma or was he just usin her???? wen the nxt chapter??????? plz let me me b the the 1st 2no..or suffer the consaqeuenses.....>:D evil mwa ha h aha

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SWEEET!!!! Can't wait for the next few chapters!!!

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Ryan Harker

This reminds my of some of the good ol' Shannara stories Terry Brooks used to weave, The first Sword trilogy especially. Terrific start to what is shaping up to be greatly entertaining tale. Keep up the good work but remember, edit, edit, edit. The more you read your own work the more errors you'll catch. As far as errors go every one I seen was fairly minor and someone with your obvious grasp of grammar should have no... mehr anzeigen

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This is just fab!!! The plot,characters,settings and just everything where perfect. The story truly pulled me in and made me read more.

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I love this book! It's awesome and I love Samuel, he's funny
If you write more, post it in the group or something. Please!

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However, it is a wonderful display of imagery and a great plot. Please update... Your writing style is brilliant.

Sabrina Jade

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