The Story of The Polar Bears

The Friendship of A Lifetime Von:
User: goldc
The Story of The Polar Bears

The Polar Bears as we know them today, were not always this way.

In ancient times they did not live in the far north they were once normal bears

with only one peculiarity - They were snowy white.




This is an original story by Gold Sy 

Fiction, Inspirational, Short Story
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
felixthecat's a very simple, delightful little tale, Gold. I hope you've written a few more original stories like this one. If i had a suggestion for you it would be this: try to lengthen the next one just a bit. Give yourself time to more fully develop all the characters :)

Thank you for putting this little gem up!

1 Kommentar

thank you for appreciating it! I'll try writing more stories like this, and as you said lengthen them a bit. : )

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