The Hobbit - Memorable Quotes and Sayings

User: goldc
The Hobbit - Memorable Quotes and Sayings

In this book I will show you some of The Hobbit 's most memorable songs, sayings, and poems.



For all ages

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Memorable Quotes and Sayings From Your Favorite Books"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
The Hobbit - Memorable Quotes and Sayings
The Lord of The Rings - Memorable Quotes and Sayings
A Book For All Ages
Fantasy, Fiction, poetry, songs, sayings
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Natural Diamond

Hello, gold sy,

you write well and have written everything just fine.

I usually don't like fantasy. But here I make an exception.

In my opinion, songs and poems are very well done.

So I'm curious how you will continue.


1 Kommentar

To Aura Nuit, Thank You for reading my book! You have helped me so much! I have added a sequel to this book, The Lord of The Rings - Memorable Quotes and Sayings.
If you have time, please read it.

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