The Fluttering of Little Wings

The Fluttering of Little Wings
My grandmother was a kind and caring lady that was affectionately known as the "bird lady" in her declining years. Come take a visit with me and find out the story behind the nickname.

birds, hummingbirds, family, hope, love
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Though I have never enjoyed the warmth of a grand mother, your story made me feel it.

3 Kommentare

thank you for your kind comment. She was a kind and dear soul...I miss her daily.

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Gelöschter User

Birds as a symbol for children leaving home to live their adult lives, and as a symbol for when children come home for a visit. Very well done. I could feel your emotions and sentiments for your grandmother and see nothing but fond memories.

Wichtiger Beitrag

This is a delightful story. It is so well written that I could imagine it. Thank you for putting a smile on my face. Also I love the cover.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I love your attention to details. I felt like I was right there working on one of my quilts beside her. Loved the sweetness of this, and how as we get older we find new loves and a new normal. (Getting older sometimes gives us greater appreciation for the simpler things)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Am extremely beautiful and heart warming story. Made me feel some guilt as I live 1800 miles away from my mother. It reminded me of how I miss her and how lonely she must be.

Wichtiger Beitrag
L. Avery Brown

I adored this little tale because it's filled with such love and devotion...and not just that of your grandmother for her beloved birds but YOUR devotion to her and how her kindness has obviously seeped down to you, through your fingertips and down onto the page.


Wichtiger Beitrag

Being a bird lady myself, I could totally relate to this story, even though I am a few years younger than your grandmother was. I enjoyed this tremendously -she didn't feel sorry for herself, just enjoyed the simple pleasures that were available - her birds. This was a lovely snippet from her life and I know she would be very proud and happy that you wrote this memoir.

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Gelöschter User

Reading this made me think of my stepmother in Missouri who is almost 70 now and loves feeding her hummingbirds. She must've had at least 15-20 of those feeders around. Thank you for the memories Glen; the story was a smooth, easy and enjoyable read.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you so much for sharing this, it's a sweet yet heartbreaking story for me, the loneliness of old age has always kicked me right in the emotions, and sometimes you just need that kick.

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