A Space in Time

A Space in Time
Wade Langerhans, a robotics scientist in the not-too-distant future was running out of time...or was he? Pursued by the Global Forces Regimen, he had only one choice and that was to escape the chaos he'd created. But would he make the jump in time?

Entry in the 'Sci-Fi Short Story Contest"

Futuristic, World War, Armageddon
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Wichtiger Beitrag

Very interesting! I think this would make a great novel or short story :)


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Thanks RbG, I've got the backstory written and am working on the ending. Probably be about eight thousand words when completed

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P. K. Gallagher

This was interesting! Definitely left me wanting more, though XD

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Different from some of your other stuff...but I like the approach you took toward the genre. And it's great to see that your knack for descriptions isn't lost when you switch to a different genre :)

3 Kommentare

Thanks Angely!


you are very welcome sir :)

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Okay, first...Langerhans? You crack me up! Reminds me of a quote from an old Firesign Theater album, "...and the far-flung Isles of Langerhans...").

Anyway, well done, as usual! Loved the ending, and the always-worrisome conundrum of the time paradox. Good tech-talk info, too. I like this a lot! 'D

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Wade Smith just sounded too blah...lol. Thanks Judy.

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Glynis Rankin

I enjoyed this Glen. I was a bit confused at first, but you brought it around for me. Like S.P. I would have loved the use of some other type of device, but I enjoyed it.

3 Kommentare

I hate that everyone is hung up on the grenade issue. I guess being limited to a thousand words is a bit confining. Let's just say If I had more, I could go into more details on the two previous days and how the ordnance was acquired from the G.F. (oops, I gave a hint) Who... mehr anzeigen

Glynis Rankin

I know how tight limits can be to one's imagination. I'm trying this myself and pulling out my hair, so I understand the frustration factor. I still enjoyed it Glen

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S.P. Johnson Jr.

It's good, only I'm a confused about what happened at the very end, and if it needs to be a grenade, an unlikely weapon for a scientist to have on hand.

4 Kommentare
S.P. Johnson Jr.

Also, I notice your word-count seems to be 19 over, if it's for the upcoming contest.


oh you'd be surprised who has high-yield ordnance in the future, Stephen...besides, I wouldn't want the Global Forces to use my machine to chase after me.

The new BookRix title thing kicked my word count over...I'll have to play with that.

S.P. Johnson Jr.

Oh, that's really obvious now. I shouldn't be reading until I'm a few mugs of coffee into my day.
Hopefully the contest moderators will forgive BookRix formatting.

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An intriguing read, Glen...You probably have an idea I will say it reminds me of something(it is bothering me now, and yes it is something by P.K.Dick...); but I think A 'Space in Time' is a fine read Glen...

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