Death of My Nemesis

Personal Nightmare Von:
Death of My Nemesis
Book 1: You meet Frankie at fifteen described by Josephine as free spirited. As expected she loves music, dancing, school and boys. Because of some unforeseen circumstances Frankie is snatched from a life of innocence sexually assaulted and forced by her rapist threats of future violence. Her worst nightmare realized she seeks freedom from these dark days on the Streets of Detroit.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Book 2"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Death of My Nemesis
Personal Nightmare
10,49 US$

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Beiträge und Kommentare
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Look forward to the entire anthology: "Death of My Nemesis". Death of my Nemesis is an anthology chronicling a young sister living in the hood. She is portrayed as free spirit taking life as it came and giving as good as she got. Her mother’s death takes a heavy toile on her life. Grieving gave rise to a search for accpetance leading to a date rapist situation . Painfully seeking revenge she turns to her brother who blames... mehr anzeigen

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