The Ordeal of Richard Feverel A History of a Father and Son

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The Ordeal of Richard Feverel        A History of a Father and Son

George Meredith, OM (12 February 1828 – 18 May 1909) was an English novelist and poet of the Victorian era.Meredith was born in Portsmouth, England, a son and grandson of naval outfitters.[1] His mother died when he was five. At the age of 14 he was sent to a Moravian School in Neuwied, Germany, where he remained for two years. He read law and was articled as a solicitor, but abandoned that profession for journalism and poetry. He collaborated with Edward Gryffydh Peacock, son of Thomas Love Peacock in publishing a privately circulated literary magazine, the Monthly Observer.[2] He married Edward Peacock's widowed sister Mary Ellen Nicolls in 1849 when he was twenty-one years old and she was twenty-eight.[1]

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