The Laws according to Catholicism.

Memoirs of a Geezer. Von:
User: Geoffrey
The Laws according to Catholicism.

This is the memoirs of an ordinary person, but by one who witnessed the hardships of a life of poverty and other misdemeanours of living in a household that contained eight children.
This is a story of a boy who had religion rammed down his throat, only to eventually despise God and Christianity the more it was pushed towards him.

  P.S. Do excuse the grammar; I have written this book myself and wished for it to be told by me, and not have anything added on by other sources.

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Memoirs, Humour
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James Gerard

A very candid story of an interesting life. I now understand your why you like to take hikes and walks and now know who Pam is and what she is to you in your lives. I can see how you did hold back on some of your past since there were certain things--especially about brothers and sisters--that went unanswered. And I suspect there are memories that you did not include because they are just too painful.

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