The Harvester (Of 2)

User: silviya
The Harvester (Of 2)
They Went Through The Rooms Together, And
The Girl Suggested The Furnishings She Thought
Necessary, While The Harvester Wrote The List. The
Following Morning He Was Eager To Have Her Company,
But She Was Very Tired And Begged To Be Allowed To
Wait In The Swing, So Again He Drove Away And Left Her
With Belshazzar On Guard. When He Had Gone, She Went
Through The Cabin Arranging The Furniture The Best She
Could, Then Dressed And Went To The Swinging Couch. It
Was So Wide And Heavy A Light Wind Rocked It Gently,
And From It She Faced The Fern And Lily Carpeted Hillside,
The Majesty Of Big Trees Of A Thousand Years, And Heard
The Music Of Singing Water As It Sparkled Diamond-Like
Where The Sun Rays Struck Its Flow. Across The Drive And
Down The Valley To The Brilliant Bit Of Marsh It Hurried
On Its Way To Loon Lake.

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