Think and Multiply

Think and Multiply

This book is inspired by the FORMLESS SUBSBTANCE, THE SUPREME INTELLIGENCE. with the help of this book, you will be able to know that everything we fixed our mind on multiplies. our dominant thoughts vibrate, it radiates a signal and it attract a matching signal back. This book is pragmatical, it is for mind growth - An approach deals with the basic growth ideas.   It is for the unbroken richness of human life; the aim is for everyone who’s most tenacious need is to lead a richer and a fuller life -- who wish to get Rich first. Think and multiply is nothing but your unbroken ability to think in a certain way, live in a certain way and do things in a certain way. The laws that govern the universe is the same everywhere. it does not matter your location or your milieu, but what matters is the way by which you think and act, it determines your spiritual growth and your superficial acquaintance. If you wish to multiply in wealth.... congrats to you.... what you need to do is; Think profusion, see abundance in Ur mind-eyes, have faith in copiousness, let no thought of curb enter your abreast mind. THINK AND MULTIPLY tells you how people live in this society. for everyone live by the way of their dominant thought for as you think so you are. you cannot think an optimistic thought and receive an undesirable answer. For Thoughts are a dynamic energy with the power to bring its object out from the imperceptible constituent all about us.       Positive Thought is like a seed sowed in a fertile land that sprout and yield a virtuous fruit. It is an armament use to fascinate something from the Universe. Every thought manifest perceptively or unknowingly to us... learn how to control your thoughts, as a universal teacher said " you have a mind, you can originate thought and thought are creative, therefor you can create for yourself that which you desire once you realize it”. Success as profanely said is a preparation mixed with opportunities, you must have faith.

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