Cryptic Pursual

Imploding Turn of Events Von:
Cryptic Pursual

This story begins where four bright, unique teenage girls who have extraordinary lives are not just your typical high school girls, but as agents working under Rouge.  Their mission takes place in one of the most historic, beautiful cities in the world, Paris, France.  Not long after their debut mission in Toronto, Canada, fifteen year old Meghan Henderson and her friends embark on a new mission to uncover the mystery of unexplained explosions going around the city.  They’ll face some obstacles along the way as well as some unexpected company and discoveries among their midst.  Will they be able to keep their focus from romance and revelations?  

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Cryptic Pursual"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Cryptic Pursual
Imploding Turn of Events
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