Chasing The Storm

User: Gabe
Chasing The Storm

Alexia Adams had her life mapped out she was in charge of a home for wayward teens and loved her life mentoring and sponsoring their growth into productive members of society, Alexia understood her charges because she too had a rough childhood and could relate to the children in her care like no other.

What happens when one of her teens push to far and is on the brink of being lost for good, When she is forced out of her comfort zone and into the life of a charming ladies man, to save one of her children from being lost to the system forever she is forced into an agreement with Gabriel Morgan to pay off the debt of here misguided teen. Can she withstand Gabriel's charms or does she even want to?

Gabriel is busy with his very lavish life running his gym and sleeping with as many beautiful women as he can. He has no time for much else. When a group of teens decide to pay his gym a late night visit and cause damage Gabriel finds himself in a predicament, he meets Alexia Adams and she is ice cold leaving Gabriel to question if he can thaw her a bit, he agrees to a contract of sorts in the hopes of getting her into bed for one night.

But Gabe finds out quickly ,one night is never enough when he's Chasing the storm that is Alexia Adams.

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New York, NY

Reading though these comments I feel incredibly lucky to be who I am and to
have the life that I do. Ever since I was young my parents have pushed and
motivated me to do the best that I can. But their high hopes for me have never
made me feel stressed or anxious, like a handful of my classmates.

I am a very strong believer that you are in charge of your own happiness. You
could look at school and see all the piles of... mehr anzeigen

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I can't read this book.. its saying I need to be over 18 to do so bt I'm already way over 18.. how do I read this now??

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