Brutal Boy

Brutal Boy

The story revolves around the hunt for Paul Leonard, the man responsible for the death of Stanley Colton’s mother and father, Jack and Samantha Colton and his younger sister, Ashley. Jack was a detective as well as a hitman of an underground elite to stabilize the prison, as well as the country’s population by eliminating murderers and rapists. This elite was started by high court judge, Judge Roberts. Jack and the rest of the family are murdered by Paul Leonard. Paul Leonard was a cop also set up as a hitman by Judge Roberts, who took advantage of this elite, creating a mob army to racketeer and make money off of weapons and drug smuggling. Jack Colton was the last to try and eliminate Paul as he had already killed all the families in association with the elite. Roberts gave Paul the idea of who the families were that tried to eliminate them. Although this is not shown, it’s stated when Stanley meets up with Roberts. Stanley witnessed the death of his family by hiding underneath a table, not being noticed. 13 years later detective Frank Colton and Officer Michael Sharp investigate files of previous convicts and one young hitman, never to be caught or ever convicted, to help them on their mission to capture and kill Paul Leonard with the help of Judge Roberts. Frank realizes that Stanley is the one who’s never been caught and tries to trace him up. With the significant help Officer Michael Sharp, Frank Colton finds out about Stanley Colton’s whereabouts. The two other convicts are already found and they await Stan’s approval. Detective Colton approaches Stan without telling him that they are family. Stanley’s attitude and heavy metal appearance shows that he has another life going. He continually disapproves stating “there were some things in life I chose to put behind me.” Tracey, Stanley’s on and off girlfriend, who’s aware of his hitman and tough skills, encourages him to participate as she tells him that there’s nothing wrong in receiving a little help. Stanley

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