I Hate That I Love You

I Hate That I Love You
Mary Gomez was turned by a vampire. She is forced to marry him, even though she is only 18 years old. And she doesn't love him. She doesn't even KNOW the guy, how is she supposed to marry him?! He turned her into a monster... and for that, she will never forgive him.

Drew Parker turned an innocent woman into one of his kind, all because he wanted to become leader. She always gives him the cold shoulder, and hardly ever speaks to him. She loathes him, and herself. Will she ever forgive him? Her true love?

Vampire, Love, Hate, Forgiveness
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This would be more of a short story than a book...maybe adding more details in the book would've gave it more meaning. I mean, maybe describing the past and both of their lives before the bite would've eventually lead onto the bite and her turning into a vampire. Overall, I liked it. But more details...Keep going!

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