Earth (The dumbest place to be)

User: rancor
Earth (The dumbest place to be)
A parody of Douglas Adam's writing style.
In the tradition of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, (but thankfully, much sillier) an alien wants to go on holiday to earth and experience human culture like all the young Nardee on his world but his ever so boring dad (like every stereotype Nardee father) couldn't see the point and is only interested in sitting down and drinking nothing but the exotic and expensive stuff. His son uses that advantage and strikes a deal with him which ensures his trip to Earth and mingle with the inferior (but much more fun than the dads of his world) humans.
A story your mum and dad won't like (neither will you)

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Thank you for looking at my book. Apologies for the late response because i have not much time due to work commitments.
The fish only appears for this chapter only because his purpose is to flavour the drink. Mr. Folb is rich so it's an honour for him to be drunk by a man of his position.
The fish is also there to illustrate Mr. Folb's attitude and double standards for his son.

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Thank you for your comments. I apologize for the late response because I usually have no time to write because of work commitments. I find your comments helpful and honest which I what I need.
Please provide me with a link to where you explained your corrections.

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L. Avery Brown

Dag nab it! I want to find out what happens to the fish!

Oh, and I met Douglas Adams many years ago when he was on a signing tour in Atlanta, Georgia. I was giddy and he was very tall (but then again, I'm not very tall at all).

From the few moments I got to say, "Hello" and "I only just read your books because my fiance & his roommate were all gaga over it. But I must I know why!" He then grinned and said, "You know... mehr anzeigen

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Your story retained my interest because I was curious to see what would happen to the son when he went to Earth. There were a few spelling, tense, and punctuation errors that I tried to correct to the best of my ability on the group discussion you created about your book. The main issue I found with your piece was with the dialogue and the characters. The characters didn’t seem to have depth. As the reader, I was unsure of... mehr anzeigen

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Thankyou bobrocks1. I am surprised at the positive responses so far. I had 4 or 5 negative ones on another site but that was not a writers site its more of a Q&A site to every member of the public.
Have you rad Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy?
This is a send up of Douglas Adam's writing style. Do you think it is similar in any way?

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I wouldn't call it silly. I'd call it whimsical!! We need stories like these every now and then so that we don't take life so seriously!

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Thank you Tanya. Because you don't know anything about Hitchhikeer's Guide and liked my book I find your review quite interesting. Thanks for reading my book much appreciated.
About the banana peel its a vague homage to one of the Hitchhiker's Guide books. The original cover to "Life, The Universe and Everything" had a picture of a bottle cap from a soft drink can floating in space.

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Gelöschter User

I am ignorant as to what Hitchhiker's Guide to galaxy is, i did hear the title mentioned but never read it. So this comment is based solely on your book, which is very humorous and readable. The story flows and would like to see how the son will find the earth once he's on it. As for your cover, don't really know what a banana peel has to do with aliens. I do see that you wanted to show humour with it, seeing someone slip on... mehr anzeigen

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You definitely have the flavor of D. Adams' stories! I know it isn't finished yet, so I won't carry on about watching your tenses and grammar and stuff - I'm sure you'll fix all that up once you've gotten more written. But yeah, definitely keep going. This is absolutely adorable and the comedy potential is enormous! For sure got a lot of giggles already!

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Thanks. Actually the fish is not meant to be suicidal, he's supposed to be adding flavour to the drink and its more of an honour (which is why he's proud to choose the dad's glass and not the son's one) if you saw or read Hitchhiker's Guide that's a parody of the creature (which was still alive) introducing himself as "your meal for tonight" and suggested a cut from his shoulder or rump to Arthur Dent's disgust. Thanks for... mehr anzeigen

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