A quiet night

A quiet night
For those with a sick mind, here is a true horror story

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O.o .... Impressive.... I am thoroughly creeped out now, and it isn't often a book creeps me out like this one did.... Well done, very well done.

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Amazing!!!! It was hard to stop reading even when it ended. Like a dark Alice in wonderland...sick at times yet u couldn't look away.

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I am speechless right now. So, the person touching her was the white cat that she had twisted? I read it 2 times trying to see what was going on. If you were aiming fir a horror I'd say you hit it right in the eye. How did you come up with this book?


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I am speechless right now. So, the person touching her was the white cat that she had twisted? I read it 2 times trying to see what was going on. If you were aiming fir a horror I'd say you hit it right in the eye. How did you come up with this book?


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Fallingbirds, I think that this book is extremely interesting, but it needs some work as far as gramatical errors go. You also lose me a few times through out. some parts don't make sense as in how you describe the sence. But I do love the twistness that is envoked in this book.

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It's my brother's. I'll be sure to tell him

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But it was pretty good..I think you did a good job..

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