Farmers Of Forty Centuries (Fiscle Part-X) Or, Permanent Agriculture In China, Korea And Japan

User: disha
Farmers Of Forty Centuries (Fiscle Part-X) Or, Permanent Agriculture In China, Korea And Japan
We Left The United States From Seattle For Shanghai, China, Sailing
By The Northern Route, At One P. M. February Second, Reaching
Yokohama February 19th And Shanghai, March 1st. It Was Our Aim
Throughout The Journey To Keep In Close Contact With The Field And
Crop Problems And To Converse Personally, Through Interpreters Or
Otherwise, With The Farmers, Gardeners And Fruit Growers Themselves;
And We Have Taken Pains In Many Cases To Visit The Same Fields Or
The Same Region Two, Three Or More Times At Different Intervals
During The Season In Order To Observe Different Phases Of The Same
Cultural Or Fertilization Methods As These Changed Or Varied With
The Season.

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