
Enduring a kidnap

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<3 ➮ ︀➥ www.date4fuq.com?_ebook-evelyn-j-steward-powerless

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Iy would only sraw out the horror if i made it any longer. I doubt I would ever write a book with such a stern subject. Anything like this I prefer in short bursts. Thank you for reading and for your great comments. Evelyn

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You've painted a picture here that is simply horrendous and only made worse by the fact that it is too often true.

The writing is, as mentioned below, top-notch and well made... but the subject matter is so ugly and bothersome that (just as you intended I would suppose) it cannot be put away just by closing the book.

Injustice is the theme and, even though you bring in the law here, justice is certainly not to come.

This is... mehr anzeigen

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/comment on my latest work. I hav e to admit it was the first time I had written about such dark happenings. It was atrial to put myself into my characters places for this tale. A composite of things bheard/read about encapsulating such an event. I am sure that this sort of thing has happened somewhere in the world at some time. It is brutal, bjut much of life is. Thanks aagain Marc, you spur me to go on. Evelyn

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It is hard to find something to write about any time, especially if your life has been pretty good (most of the time). Did't want any personal issues involved. I wrote it Saturday, edited it Sunday and added to it on Monday before i posted it. I feel good that I was able to go right on and do it so quickly. Thanks for your kind words, Evelyn

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You have tackled this delicate subject with passion and power - making us feel every invasion heaped upon this poor girl. Not an easy subject to write about - yet you managed to describe the evil of rape in a way that was not "pornographic" but realistic and terrifying. Your writing just gets better and better.

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The killing of a spirit is more devastating then maiming one physically, especially overwhelming when one's support system fails.

Unfortunately your story can and does happen because society does not see the danger lurking in depravity.

Good writing in the depiction.

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