Intimacy with GOD

Song of Solomon Devotional Von:
Intimacy with GOD

"I Love You With All My Heart! Always, Jesus"

A devotional commentary on the Song of Solomon


This book is a Devotional Commentary on The Song of Songs. It is an anointed book and it is filled with gems and jewels from The HOLY SPIRIT. It is a Biblical overview of our LORD'S Bridegroom LOVE FOR US. It will profoundly change you and bring you closer into a more intimate relationship with GOD, after reading it.



The lady Jesus told us to never forget! He said that wherever the gospel is preached her story was to be told. Mark 14:9

She loved Him no matter what it cost her!

Mary of Bethany

"Truly I say to you, wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be spoken of in memory of her." Mark 14:9

The gospel is infinitely and eternally important. The gospel miraculously transforms people. Mary of Bethany is a beautiful example of what Jesus desires in us as believers.


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