Teenpreneur: How to build a business in your teens

Teenpreneur: How to build a business in your teens

Educate millions of teens about how to start business with revolutionary solutions by Errol Lawson

A former gang member Errol Lawson completed his new book “Teenpreneur-”How to build a business among teens”.Through this book he wants to encourage teens to start enterpreneurship at their early stages of life.
Errol Lawson,is playing an inspirational role model for youngsters around the world. Soon he is going to launch his campaign on Indiegogo to help youngsters.

Teenpreneur: How To Build A Business In Your Teens is slated to be released on 6 June 2015. Head to http://teenpreneurbook.com/ or http://www.errollawson.com/ to pre-order a copy today.

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