Small Business Guide Von:

Most of us if not all usually have a dream of owning a business.  A good percentage have actually gone ahead to start one. Majority have failed while a few have sailed through. Some by sheer luck while some by have really understood what it takes to actually run  a successful business from the ground up .

this book has provided valuable insights and practical tips for startups and small businesses to achieve success. The book has covered various aspects of building a successful business, including developing a strong vision and mission, building a solid brand, leveraging innovative technology, and implementing effective marketing strategies.

The book emphasizes the importance of social responsibility and sustainability, and how businesses can make a positive impact on society and the environment. Real-life examples of successful companies in Kenya, Africa, and the world have been provided to illustrate how these principles can be applied in practice.

As a startup or small business, it is essential to have a clear vision and mission, build a strong brand, and leverage technology and marketing to reach your target audience. It is also important to be socially responsible and committed to sustainability, as this can create a positive impact on society and the environment while also building a loyal customer base.

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