Spirits and Souls

Spirits and Souls

This poem was my first work ever published. Brainstorm magazine Fall 1991.

My advanced writing teacher asked me to submit this poem I had written for A final in class assignment.


"If you do not submit this I will do it myself. I know it will get published and if not what is the harm in trying?"

I agreed and watched my teacher stamp and lick the letter placed in the schools outgoing mail.


One month later I was attending our rival football high school away game and my name was mentioned in introduction.

Never would I have thought someone from a different school, whom I had never met would recognize me as .. The clever sixteen year old girl who wrote published poetry. 

Dark Poetry
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I am the world's WORST at reviewing poetry...but I thoroughly liked this piece. Thank you for sharing it, and congratulations!

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Thank you Felix x

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