
The Crossed Trilogy Von:
User: somskat
Genevieve Lonson is 16 years old and part butterfly. It's wierd, admit it. The victim of horrifying nightmares and odd visions, she's never quite sure of what's real or what is just another figment of her unruly imagination. When she finds herself sucked into another world, Abluklei, it seems that it could only be a dream. Except Abluklei is real, and so are Claishtings, the winged half human/half animal race that Genevieve now finds herself a part of. Other members of this mythical race include Drake Harris, Genevieve's gorgeously mysterious new crush and possible soulmate, and her tempermental new bff, Kaia Staurrell. Can these three musterup the strength, talent, and courage to help abluklei remain standing and not become just a simple mirage, a beautiful memory?

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The Crossed Trilogy
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